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    Saptamana 53 (The 53rd Week), Marineasa Publishers, Timisoara, 1998, 140 pag. ISBN 973-9496-16-4    

Price 10 US$ (USA & Canada), 7 US$ (Europe)   (Exempare semnate în original de catre autor)   Shop


T h e r e    A r e    S n o w f a l l s

there are snowfalls memory plans them ahead nonchalantly

there are memories snow signs bills without surety  --  more and

more often the seasons peer at you through the yoghurt of the mirror  -- 

                                                                                you crush an incandescent

snowflake in the ice flower herbarium  --  I try to run away  --  "three

                                                                                minutes ... you say to me  it seems

absurd to me sometimes ... that's the way I am ..."

there is in all this a resting point  --  un up-side-down slide  --  the moment

has to leave off on its own  (as if the dream peddlar had finished his

                                                                                reserve of transfer pictures

and words would be forced to set out stark naked and with no specified

                                                                                destination) in the gluey

frost a  life-belt bursts up  --  it is the thought

beyond which no step can be taken in the direction of knowledge

you close your eyes (swallowing a hope on an empty stomach)

winter is a kind of promise you say

and disperse it

in less than three minutes

                                        Timisoara, 1987

Translated from the Romanian by HEATHROW  O'HARE


To   Use   Every   Moment  a  Different  Bar

 of  Soap  a   Different    Toothbrush


to use every moment a different bar of soap  a different toothbrush  a different suit of clothes

                                                                                a different streetcar

to perceive the sadness of their chasing and to do nothing to restrain them 

- all of them wishing to be intersting loved adored  part of the scaling makeup covering your face -

(without ever being visited by a feeling of guilt) 

to stand like a need of air in the midst of their brownian movement 

to try them on at random and to take them off before loking in the mirror tended to  you

to hide yourself in a mood  in a yearning in a moment of indecision

and to meet them again one fine day in the funerary hall

of the bomb shelter

on 53 fleamarket street

                                        Timisoara, 1982

Translated by  HEATHROW  O'HARE



out of the sea

the sun’s ladders trickle down

to the toil-sweating



crawl up and down

opening the eyes of distant horizons

Timisoara, 1973



a street car motionless on its tracks

no light’s  ever coming out of it

I’m sleepy yet I suppress a yawn

to avoid disturbing

the balance

Timisoara, 1974

Translated by  HEATHROW  O'HARE


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