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to use every moment a different bar of soap a different toothbrush a different suit of clothes
a different streetcar
to perceive the sadness of their chasing and to do nothing to restrain them
- all of them wishing to be interesting loved adored part of the scaling makeup covering your face -
(without ever being visited by a feeling of guilt)
to stand like a need of air in the midst of their brownian movement
to try them on at random and to take them off before loking in the mirror tended to you
to hide yourself in a mood in a yearning in a moment of indecision
and to meet them again one fine day in the funerary hall
of the bomb shelter
on 53 fleamarket street
Timisoara, 1982
Translated by HEATHROW O'HARE
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Stand: 2006-05-29 22:26:34 +0200