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           Miercurea de cenusa ( ), Marineasa Publishers, Timisoara,  2000,  ISBN 973-9485-84-7, 116 Pag.    

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Your Visage


he pretends he's writing that noon's biography

while pursuing an apparition with your visage in the rain

she tries obstinately to dry its blue tear

knowing that in its wake the unhealed thought

of the sleepless night will remain

fairly divided between one groping and another


(the one

who looked from a distance how others had abandoned his own foolishness

in the water and the one with his eyes swollen from too much crying

had doubtlessly the same visage

your own)


however much you'd hate yourself

you are and will remain closer to me

than the occasional swimmer who seized by panic

troubles the peacefulness of these lines

which a virus that doesn't care about the language they are written in

could easily lure them in a trap of wet cloth impregnated

with gypsum


just fit for treason's grin and terror

this last attempt

to recognize that the whole thing is but a farce



how have they all managed to borrow your visage and likeness

as soon as I began to examine

the clay leaves of the tree

which my father had had the whim of planting

right between the eyebrows of the high voltage transformer


         Ludwigsburg, July 1998

 Translated from the Rumanian of Traian Pop Traian by Heathrow O'Hare




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